Bride Tip: What to Wear for Engagement Photos

SO you just got engaged and it’s time to start planning your wedding?!

You’re getting ready for engagement pictures but don’t know what to wear?!

Here’s a guide to help you coordinate outfits with your fiancé and that will go well with the location you want!

  1. Coordinate outfits

    Wear colors that compliment each other but don’t match. Neutrals are fabulous. Mix it up by wearing jackets, hats, or dresses, but don’t have too many of the same thing. Again, you want to compliment each other’s outfits, not be the same!

    2. Dress for the location

    If you’ll be at the beach, you might choose a flowy dress and hair down so the wind can play with it. If you’re in the mountains and will be hiking around, heels may not be the best option.

2. Don’t go crazy with patterns

Patterns are great, but when there are several patterns going on in one photo, it can be a little much. If you wear plaid or floral patterns, have your partner wear something more solid.

4. Wear something comfy and that you can move in

During my shoots, I like to have my clients moving around, running, jumping, dancing, and all the things. Wear things that are comfy so you can be moving around, and wear things that make you feel confident so that you love your photos.

Below are a few ideas for coordinating outfits!


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Snowy Mountain Engagements | Utah Wedding Photographer